Why should I buy a puzzle from you?

Tough animals appeal to the imagination of every child! It is simply the perfect gift for any children's party. Our puzzles also come with fun facts about the animals, so you also learn something from them. With every purchase we make a donation to Smart Parks, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting endangered animals through new technology. Enough reason to buy such a nice Tough Animals puzzle?

What is the delivery time after placing an order?

Did you order before 16:00 PM? Then we will send your package the same day! If everything goes well at PostNL, you will receive your package within 1 or 2 working days at the latest. This applies within the Netherlands and Belgium. Other countries may take a little longer, but you will receive a track and trace from us to keep an eye on everything.

 What if my shipment is damaged?

We pay close attention to ensure that everything goes out the door nicely. In the unlikely event that something is damaged for any reason, please send us an email and we will solve it for you.

Are all your puzzles made of wood?

Yes that's right! We are a big fan of wood because it lasts a long time and is durable. We use FSC certified wood.